What are the First Steps of Creating a New SEO Campaign?

Make Forward Progress with SEO Staten Island

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is vital to marketing a business or website online. The definition of SEO makes a website friendly and noticeable to the algorithms of Google, Bing, and Yahoo. SEO professionals utilize a multi-faceted approach that included link building, content creation, social media branding, and more to make this happen for a website. All that stuff is highly specific to each business, their marketing goals, and their size, and to understand that level of nuance and specificity, you need to first ask a few more general questions. These are the most important points to consider when beginning a new SEO campaign. Working with the best SEO company Staten Island has

Local, State, National, or Global Reach

When creating a campaign, you need to think about where you do business or where you would like your business to grow. For instance, if you are in the service industry and are interested in working in a new town and community, you would optimize your site and content for that goal.


SEO depends on quality content that has a voice and speaks to people. Boring, repetitive content used to work for SEO, but that is no longer the case. Whom do you want to speak to, and what customers are you trying to attract? An SEO company Staten Island can help you break down demographics to ensure you market to the most visible audience.

Key Words

SEO works by identifying keywords and terms that attract people to your site or business. Often these words and phrases come from the services your site provides. The more keywords you pick, the more expensive a campaign becomes, so you want to highlight the most important words and terms associated with your business.

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